True Health Water Systems performed its semi-annual THM (a regulated disinfectant byproduct) test at the 3 most contaminated towns in the South Shore (on a regulated basis). We take a total of 14 THM tests at 6 Hanover sites, 4 Scituate, and 4 Hingham installs where our 3000 THM system is employed.every 6 months to prove a simple differentiator between True Health and everyone else – our system actually works. Unlike competing systems that just reduce THMs for a few months, our system totally removes these contaminants and proves it every 6 months so that our customers have a rare peace of mind knowing they have healthy water. Healthy water in your home is truly rarer than gold.
I must stress again the importance of being able to consistently deliver proof of performance. True health has also proven to remove 100% of PFAs and ammonia from Hanover’s water over the last 4 years. Our filtration capability also protects you from high manganese levels seen in Scituates’ water.
A summary of the results show that our True-Pure 3000 THM line removes THMs from your water. Here are the results:
Please feel free to read my blogs and gain a better insight into water issues and facts.
True Health Water Systems performed its semi-annual THM ( a regulated disinfectant byprod...
True Health Water Systems tests there True-Pure 3000 THM line every 6 months at 14 instal...